TPR is located in Con Edison’s service territory. Con Edison delivers electric and natural gas that TPR purchases in the competitive energy supply marketplace. Electric and natural gas are purchased at a bulk rate and measured on master meters, to achieve a lower overall rate which is then passed directly to residents via sub metering of each apartment unit.
Saving Energy by Going Green
TPR has proactively utilized New York State energy reduction incentives to convert all indoor and outdoor lighting to LED light bulbs and also installed Variable Frequency Drives on motors.
Analysis From TPR’s Energy Broker - Trump Park Residences – Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Summary in 2019:
The analysis shows that TPR is presently 70% below the GHG limit for calendar years 2024-2029 and over 51% below the 2030/2034 Greenhouse Gas target. In the calendar year of 2019, Trump Park Residences obtained total GHG Emissions Intensity score (EUI) that was 23% below the score of 2018. Also, comparing to your peer-building group in New York City, the property was rated highly energy efficient.
Back-Up Electric Generator

TPR is one of the rare residential communities that have a backup electrical generator large enough to keep all residential units fully powered, under normal load patterns, in the event of a utility power blackout.
The diesel powered back-up electric generator is connected to Automatic Transfer Switches that are used to transfer power between the utility and the electric generator as needed. The electric generator is also utilized to earn income for the TPR community by having signed up for Con Edison’s Demand Response (DR) program. The DR program requires that a portion of electric load be switched to the backup generator when notified by Con Edison that their system is under stress and needs relief. TPR is paid to participate.
HVAC Operations
All homes have individual heat pumps supported by heating and cooling from central infrastructure. The average total electric utility bill is $80. All natural gas and water supply are included in maintenance charges.

Water & Sewer
TPR is connected to the Town of Yorktown’s public water and sewer systems.
Trash & Recycling
TPR is serviced by a private trash hauling company via a contract with the Town of Yorktown.
TPR features multiple refuse rooms on each floor for trash & recycling convenience.
Fire Safety
All TPR homes and common areas are connected to a fire sprinkler system. The entire property is electronically monitored by a state-of-the-art fire alarm system located by the concierge desk. In addition, each individual home has hard wired, and battery backup, smoke and fire alarm detectors.

Security Measures
High definition cameras are used to monitor interior building access points and the main building entrance. The cameras are connected to a bank of video monitors located at the 24/7-manned concierge desk located inside the main entrance. The desk greets all guests and vendors and alerts residents of a visitor to confirm their identity. All other building entrances utilize Fobs that have been assigned to each resident to allow access. Photos of residents, approved family members, friends, cleaning staff and personal assistants can be pre-registered into a database available to the concierge desk that allows for quick identification. All vendors and trades people are required to sign in before entering the buildings.


TPR has four brass trimmed, wood paneled elevators with marble floors

All hallways are carpeted and trimmed with molding
Trump Park Residences
An Active Adult 55 + Luxury Condominium Community